Online Exam

Oréll e-Exam is a completely web-based and interactive student examination platform which is highly scalable, easy to manage, administer and work on. An added features for multiple choice and descriptive questions ensures efficient working and convenience for the candidates to participate in an exam from anywhere across the globe, in real-time, through internet for the already scheduled exams. Subsequently it allows any number of students to simultaneously appear for the exam and view results individually or all of them and the encrypted file format prevents unauthorized access and ensures fairness in the examination results. The exams can be categorized on the level of competency and type of questions. The question banks creation helps in automation of the exam system.
Every step we take is upon the convenience of our customers and that is why we continue to maintain the stellar position in the sector, with a wide range of satisfied customers. The support specialists of our team are well trained to attend global customers and the service is available round the clock, with real-time responses. This module limits accessibility to the students by enrolling, appearing and receiving scores of the exam instantly

Unique Features

  • Set time limit and date for the exam

  • Question paper generation on selecting total number of question, total marks, exam duration, subject and its levels.

  • Questions can be categorized according to Subject, Topic and Types

  • Difficulty level for the questions can be assigned as Easy, Medium & Hard

  • Specific questions can be flagged to be included /excluded in exam

  • Modification in the question is possible at any point of time

  • Status of the question can be changed or deleted if required

  • Question types- Multiple Choice, True or False, Match the following, fill in multiple blanks and Descriptive.

  • Students can attend the exams from anywhere

  • Instant Scores for teachers and students

  • Graphical representations to assess the progress


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